Anthologica Universe Atlas / Users

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I've never been able to focus on any particular field or career or subject of learning. Instead, I learn about and dabble in practically everything. I have better than average to way better than average laymen's knowledge on dozens and dozens of topics, and I'm an expert in none of them.
Rag Doll
What got me into world design: 80's and 90's cartoons, movies, TV shows, books, Rainbow Brite Golden Book, Beauty by Sheri S. Tepper, mythology, fairy tales, folk tales, Alice in Wonderland.
What kind of books I read: usually fashion, costume history, fashion history, reference books, history, Noam Chomsky, decluttering and organizing, business, jewellery making, meditation, wellbeing, crystals, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Brian Cox, Egypt, Japan, languages, yoga, aromatherapy, gardening, sustainable, vegan, eco, architecture, interiors, India, art, pop surrealism, philosophy, science, classics, recipes, how to, DIY, herbs, tea, beauty, longevity, world building, music theory, dictionaries, Shakespeare, Silk roads, Ottoman empire, fantasy, divination, Buddhism, Bagavad Gita, plastic free, waste free/zero waste, magazines, psychology, animal totems etc and resources for home schooling.
What I studied in school: I went to college for fashion, apparel, design, construction, pattern making, cutting, illustration, drawing, trade sketching, fabrics. In high school I wanted to drop out and be a fashion designer and be in a rock band. I would have liked to study philosophy, metaphysics, theology, theosophy, anthropology, mythology, linguistics, film making, writing, costume, Egyptology, archaeology, etc
view priscillacita on twitter...
Ray Ahui
A conlanger and world builder. IG: ray_ahui
gonna be a latin education major soon, i started conlanginh when i was 13
Your Writing System Sucks

Hi! I keep the gears turning. If the gears aren't turning, or they're turning but producing funny-smelling smoke, it's probably my fault.
view rhet0rica on twitter...
I started writing when I was twelve and started worldbuilding around the same time. I don't read nearly as much as I should, but when I do, it tends to be sci-fi or fantasy romances. Four (I think) years ago, I started working on my main conlang, Zondulen, which now has 18 recorded grammar rules, with more that I've yet to write down, along with 2680 words. But besides Zondulen, I have five other conlangs that are mostly nothing more than phonological inventories, syllable structures, and writing systems.
Rizael al Coronate d'Avreston

I'm mostly a foreign language freak, but I also read a bit of literary fiction, fantasy, and historical fiction. I got into conlanging through foreign language, and I decided to integrate it into a story that I'm writing. I'm still in high school, so I don't exactly have an educational background to speak of.
Being a GM and conlanging also got me into worldbuilding.
I don't read a lot of books, but Terry Pratchett is my favourite author of thosebooks that I've read
I'm in high school right now, so I haven't researched a lot, but everyting is quite interesting.
view Weirdolerdo on twitter...
I started working on my book in '98 and have been toying with it ever since. I'm now getting serious about writing it, so having a world is important.
Seven Fifty
Linguistics PhD student, amateur novelist and (increasingly occasional) conlanger. Creator of Viksen and Greater Atlian among other languages.
view jsbaker75 on twitter...
History and Political Science.
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