<!>Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-05-03 07:58:20)
Speak in Your Conlang Thread
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Scriptorium / Speak in Your Conlang Thread / <!>Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-05-03 07:58:20)

? Hallow XIII Primordial Crab
posts: 539
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Northaneusnei fušazenaa Arve begetherii taasaniideğo čüüdäžözöä piekhaoššu.
[ˈnortʰɑˌneusnej ˈfuʃɑzeˌnɑː ˈɑrve ˈbeɡetʰeˌriː ˈtɑːsɑˌniːdeɣo ˈtʃyːdæʒøˌzøæ ˈpiekʰɑoʃʃu]
northaneus-neinortaneous-DAT fušad-enAA1PL-COM Arve-∅Arve-GEN begen-terii-∅true_writing-GEN taasanii-te-gOrule-PL-ACC čüüdäž-Od-OAmake_public-SBJ-3S.PFV piekha-Oš-sUplead_to-1S.IMPFV

I petition Nortaneous to publicize the rules of Arve orthography.