Comment by Kereb
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Users / Hallow XIII / More Heterodoxy: Setting Fiction / Comment on More Heterodoxy: Setting Fiction at 2014-10-28 12:59:06 by Kereb / Comment on 228244 at 2014-10-28 15:22:11 by Hallow XIII / Comment by Kereb

9 years ago
i guess what i was getting at is that people who don't know what they are doing often feel they can simply fall back on aping Tolkien, and since he did have potatoes in middle-earth then why do we have a hangup that High Fantasy cuisine must confine itself to eurasian flora
9 years ago
The meme that realism is good. Aping Tolkien does not mean that you know exactly what Tolkien did or why he did it, so you just do a Standard Fantasy Europe. It's a bit like religion, nobody actually follows scripture, they just tell themselves they do.