Tautisca Dictionary
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Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Tarra / Indo-European / Tautic languages / Tautisca / Tautisca Dictionary


sun, ['sun], n. present (tense, period).

etymology: Neuter sg. of sus, present active participle of ennun "to be"
attestation: Since Clésisca
n IV nt
related: ennun, sunti, sus
tags: noun, time, grammar, language
reverse terms: present

sus, ['sus], adj. being, present.

etymology: Present active participle of ennun "to be"
attestation: All stages
Nom. Sg. m. sus, n. sun, Obl. sunt-; f. sunti
related: ennun, sun, sunti
tags: participle, state, time
reverse terms: being, present