<!>Conpoetry Thread (2015-06-10 03:43:41)
Conpoetry Thread
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Scriptorium / Conpoetry Thread / <!>Conpoetry Thread (2015-06-10 03:43:41)

? Matrix Chronicler of the Myriad
posts: 216
, Conversational Speaker message


Fìgvyond bladaa bì nagaku faconj ìst.
Ezong parzlon furgv rujnong vukon under mìdandlaa.
Ezong gapaalkron furgv gaalaìvlicfaa mìdandlaa.
Yaa uver aalaz caa, caalyav and cupaanj.
Yaa aalaz unserd sagaanong laakaanj avyaa,
and aalaz unserd afteryèraa ta yaa laakaanj ìst.
Yaa unserd aìmon ìst.


Fat blades covered by handkerchiefs.
Their iron gives way to rusted bronze below.
Their decorum gives way to vulgarity.
They stand above all, silent and still.
They have seen our whole history,
and they will see our whole future.
They are our home.