<Cev> I haven't looked into it but I have the sneaking suspicion that this is just like those "kids wear X-colored bracelets to signal to other students they're DTF"
<Cev> i.e. invented
<twabs> what is dtf
<Cev> down to fuck
<Cev> I think
<twabs> o
<Cev> or maybe dying to fuck?
<Cev> determined to fuck
<Cev> destined toward fornication
<Ser> thus speaks the Church, on the final day God shall open his terminal and do the git merge to end all git merges
<Cev> this guy in teh comments
<Cev> thinks it's a "Wendigo"
<Cev> ah yes the Wendigo spirit spoken of in Ojibwe folklore
<Cev> the Ojibwes being famous residents of FUCKING OREGON
<Slereah> I have this rare disease where, whenever I start humming a note, it automatically transforms in the tune for Casper, the Friendly Ghost
<Mec> oh wimoweh
<Mec> oh wimoweh
<Mec> oh wimoweh
<Mec> oh wimoweh
<Mec> oh wimoweh
<Mec> oh wimoweh
<Mec> ~sham bajungel, betoch hajungel, yashen lo ha'arye~
<Play> i have an amazing memory for certain things. i remembered the central line of the children's story "rikki tikki tembo / no sa rembo / chari bari ruchi / pip peri pembo" despite only hearing it once a long tiem ago
<Play> i could rewrite it as a story about the two little boys, Kakakaaakakatakakakakakakakakaka and Tó
<Play> or maybe the second one is a girl and her name is P
<Play> which is pronounced /p/, although in some dialects all final consonants are dropped and therefore this name is silent
<Slereah> But I guess less teenage girls would have had wet dreams about him
<twabs_in_hoorn> can teenage girls have wet dreams
<Slereah> I am legally forbidden from checking
<miekko> no. we must punish transgressors. in swedish there is a saying 'the sin punishes itself'. I think we need to parse this literally to mean that 'if someone transgresses sexually, the punishment must consist of a related transgression'
<miekko> so I suggest we punish transvestites by making them wear some additional piece of female clothing
<guitarplayer> streets not being straight at all is not uncommon in euorpe
<guitarplayer> especially in old towns
<ryagami> *People, too
<guitarplayer> gay streets, eh
<ryagami> Yeah
<ryagami> It's the ones that have manholes
<pharazon> next generation knowledge has already hardened into a perfect diamond in my memory
<Rad[]> rly
<Rad[]> what symmetry group is it