<!>Quote Thread (2018-09-19 11:53:35)
Quote Thread
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Miscellaneria / Quote Thread / <!>Quote Thread (2018-09-19 11:53:35)

? Izambri Left of the middle
posts: 969
, Duke, the Findible League
<Izambri> The Fabulous Journey of Mr. Bilbo Baggins, The Hobbit, Across the Wild Land, Through the Dark Forest, Beyond the Misty Mountains. There and Back Again / Ска́зочное путеше́ствие ми́стера Би́льбо Бе́ггинса, Хо́ббита, че́рез ди́кий край, чёрный лес, за тума́нные го́ры. Туда́ и обра́тно
<Izambri> No subtitles, though. But why when you have the Leningrad State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre's dancers acting as goblins?
<@guitarplayer> why does that cyrillic have accents o_O
<Izambri> that may be one the longest movie titles I've ever seen, by the way
<Izambri> but that may be the soviet way. Elongate things to improve them
<Izambri> example: people
<Izambri> another example: production time
<@ayyub> that is a Title
<@guitarplayer> it is almost baroque in length
<@guitarplayer> except a baroque title would basically be the entire first chapter
<@guitarplayer> and telling you how useful the book is
<Izambri> and suggesting you to search for a new job, change your hairstyle and get a new girlfriend/boyfriend
<@guitarplayer> definitely!
<Izambri> it's only one line or two, so it doesn't matter
<@guitarplayer> and in the end "Printed by royal license by XY at ABC in DEF alley at the sign of the Whatever"
<Izambri> aye
<Izambri> and I would add "ad Rvdolphvs II Romanorvm Imperator"
<Izambri> just because yes
<@guitarplayer> yeah, can't hurt mentioning the Kaiser