Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Ybrearmèlleon / The Eleutean language / Eleutean proper nouns / Glavi

Glavi, top. A region just north of Ruvai Barnusa, at the southern feet of the Olmarellë. It is the piedmont between the Olmarellë and the Ruvai, a set of small plains and valleys that, on their way north, become more elevated until they end abruptly in the area of the Glavi Rocks.

etymology: It's the Dhammaratian word for "piedmont". Obscure etymology; possibly of non-human origin. The word may have been used as the name of the Glavi region by the unknown civilization that predates the human arrival, and then, taken by the humans as the common word for "piedmont".
related: Arràs Ardaginz, Braulovença, Danteyl Rhuvunt, Olmarellë, Ruvai Barnusa
tags: geography, land, piedmont, region