Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Ybrearmèlleon / The Eleutean language / Eleutean proper nouns / region

The following dictionary entries are tagged region:

Arrantes top. The large region of plains and soft hills south of the Ruvai.
Bardunnat top. The region around and dependent to Bardunna.
Dansauthes top. The region north of the Sea of Sautha.
Ednëhharai top. The northernmost region of the greater land of Rhearyr er Dainë, the Northern Moors.
Ereàmalech top. Mountain region spanning across the wilderness that is northern Ivressë and northwestern Olmarellë.
Ereiliat top. A duchy on the southern shores of Lake Ereilio.
Esglai top. A secluded region north of Ölmuc, famous for its dark and labyrinthine forest.
Glavi top. A region just north of Ruvai Barnusa, at the southern feet of the Olmarellë.
Hyebernes Centunt top. The eastern third of the vast region of Hyebernes.
Hyebernes Quartunt top. The central third of the Hyebernes region.
Hyebernes Ventunt top. The western third of Hyebernes.
Hyesnë top. A small region in the Northern Lands of Dhammarat, between the Vearlëdainë, Ölmuc, and Isternat.
Idives top. A region south of Ivressë and southwest of the Ruvai.
Isternat top. A region and former imperial province in the middle Alezant river, between the Ruvai and the Northern Moors.
Ivressë top. A region in western Eleuthea, west of the Ellirir Mountains, and washed by the Otnent Sea.
Lafsan Ruvai top. Another name for the region commonly known as Ruvai.
Offecne top. The flat and smooth lands between the Ruvai and the Seas of Sight.
Öggyan Dainunt top. The collective name for the Dhammaratian northern regions.
Öggyan Ventunt top. The collective name for the Dhammaratian western regions.
Olmarellë top. The mountainous wilderness north of the Glavi, in central northern Dhammarat.
Ölmuc top. A region northeast of Hyesnë.
Rhearyr er Dainë top. The Northern Moors, a vast region between Olmarellë, Hyebernes, and the Esglai.
Ruvai top. One of the great plains at the centre of Dhammarat, north of river Sirle and south of Olmarellë.
Varsauthes top. The region beyond the Sautha Sea, and an old imperial province.
Vearlëdainë top. The march region to the north of Isterna.