<!>Quote Thread (2022-03-16 22:30:18)
Quote Thread
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Miscellaneria / Quote Thread / <!>Quote Thread (2022-03-16 22:30:18)

? Izambri Left of the middle
posts: 969
, Duke, the Findible League
<pharazon> !gpt what would the characters in the fellowship of the ring be named if they all had stereotypical fraternity and sorority names
<Naima2> -Brodo "Bro" Swaggins. -Pippin "Pip" Puckerin. -Merry "Merry" Mackenzie. -Aragorn "A-Rad" Harrington. -Legolas "Legs" McLean. -Gimli "Gim" Nelson. -Gandalf "G-Money" Emerson. -Boromir "B-Roc" Bartholomew. -Frodo "Frosty" McBain. -Samwise "Sammy" Adams

Greatest among the greatest Naimaquotes.


When Gandalf is hungry...

<Athalon> !gpt scene from the fellowship of the ring where gandalf suggests eating Billy the pony
<Naima> Gandalf: "All we have to do is find him. Hobbit, pony - it makes no difference to me. We're going to need food". Gimli: "Aye, and something to drink. I could do with a pony myself right now". [The Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien]

<Athalon> !gpt Scene from the Fellowship of the Ring where Gandalf suggests eating the Hobbits
<Naima> Gandalf: "If you would just step aside, my dear friends, and let me have a word with our little Hobbits here, I think I could persuade them to try a bite of something."


<pharazon> !gpt write a scene of the fellowship having to pass through a toll in the mines of Moria
<Naima> The fellowship is making its way through the mines of Moria when they come to a toll. Gandalf steps forward and speaks to the orc guarding the toll. Gandalf: “We seek passage through these mines. We are willing to pay whatever fee is required”. Orc: “You don't have enough coin to pay the toll”. Gandalf: “I am sure we can come to some arrangement”. Orc: “No, you don't have enough”. Gandalf: “What if we offer you this magic ring”. Orc: “That might be enough”.

You had one job, Gandalf.


<Athalon> !gpt Write a scene where a short-sighted Gimli tries to tell a pebble why is fine to sleep naked
<Naima> Gimli: Hey little pebble, why don't you come sleep with me tonight. Pebble: Why would I want to do that. Gimli: Because it's really comfortable! You should try it sometime. Pebble: No thanks, I'm happy just the way I am. Gimli: suit yourself. But you're missing out on a great experience!

Ehrm... wut


On carrots and pebbles

<Athalon> !gpt How much smart can a carrot be?
<Naima> Well, a carrot can't be very smart.
<Athalon> !gpt But you don't deny it
<Naima> I don't deny it.
<Athalon> !gpt So carrots can have some degree of intelligence
<Naima> Carrots can certainly have some degree of intelligence, though it may not be on the same level as humans.
<Athalon> !gpt Which is more intelligent, a carrot or a pebble?
<Naima> A carrot is more intelligent than a pebble.