Modern Punic Dictionary
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yăttes part. re-, redo, do again
yawed - yawid vG. cause SO to perish, disappear (indirectly)
yawes - yawis vC. make stink, cause to smell bad
yaxel - yaxil vC. make SO bite/sip, make SO try a piece of ST (as a parent forcing a child to try a piece of food)
yaxem - yaxim vC. make wise, share knowledge/wisdom, instruct
yaze - yaziyă vC. show, make SO see
yaẓeq - yaẓiq vC. make great
yáθər nm. bowstring; umbilical cord
yaθmem - yaθmim vCt. be heated, made hot; heat/warm self
yaθsex - yaθsix vCt. become dark, black, turn dark, black
yăθum nm. orphan
yes ~ is part. there is, there are, there exist(s)
yəd nm. hand
yɛl nm. oryx (Oryx dammah)
yin nm. wine
yobdol - yobdol vCp. be separated, divided, kept apart
yobʷob - yobʷob vCp. be brought, taken, led
yoḍboq - yoḍboq vCp. be put together, combined, joined together
yodol - yodol vCp. be stopped, brought to an end/close, finished
yodom - yodom vCp. be silenced; muted (a TV, etc)
yodor - yodor vCp. be enlarged, made bigger; grow larger, grow bigger
yofox - yofox vCp. be changed into, turned into, made to become (adj or n)
yoglo - yoglo vCp. be exiled
yogon - yogon vCp. be covered, have poultice applied, be applied
yomon - yomon vCp. be thought, believed, assumed
yošxor - yošxor vCp. be mentioned, recorded
yowod - yowod vCp. be caused to perish, disappear (indirectly)
yoxo - yoxo vCp. be made to take a bite/sip
yozo - yozo vCp. be shown, be made to see/be seen
yɔtt nm. boy (child)
yɔttoθ nf. girl (child)
yum nm. day (a 24-hour period)
yumag nm. celebration, festival
yunoθ nf. dove
yuri nm. rain
žba ~ špa numm. seven (M)
žbbʷəḷḷɔẓ nf. ear of grain
žbe nm. sacrifice
žbo - ižbʷə vG. sacrifice
žboar nm. word; matter, thing
žboθ ~ špoθ numf. seven (F)
zerre - ižže vD. introduce to, acquaint with
zeruwa nm. elbow
zeθ nf. olive
ẓəqqoẓ nf. greatness, wonder
žgon nm. grain
zib nm. wolf, jackal (Canis lupus, Canis anthus)
ziez nf. areola; boob, tit
žme nm. resemblance, similarity
žnob nm. buttocks
ẓoaṛ nm. dimple; hollow; foundation
zor adj. another, different
ẓóṛăẓ nm. root
žža nm. seed; result, "fruit" (metaphorical)
γabʷa nm. hyena
γáməṛ nm. scoured wool
γăṛbayɔḷ nm. young ram
γbed nm. guts, innards, bowels
γbie nm. gazelle
γboa nm. army; force (both force of men, and applied strength)
γbʷu nm. region, area, territory, location, country
γdear nm. city
γdie nm. goat kid
γemeḍ nm. mace, club
γɛḷa nm. girth (strap under a horse's chest); diaphragm
γieṛ nm. limestone
γífəṛ nm. claw; hoof (of horse)
γma(γḍeaq) nm. bastard (term of abuse)
γob nm. mastigure lizard (Uromastyx spp.)
γoṇ nm. flock of sheep or goats
γoṛ adv. midday, noon
γɔḷ nm. shadow
γɔmm nm. doll, figurine
γγʷəṛ nf. bird (especially smaller birds/passerines)
θ= part. marks definite, inanimate direct objects
θar nm. sheath; skin or peel of fruit
θaθ prep. beneath
θeinoθ nf. fig
θes nm. ram
θíwən nm. straw
θmmem nm. illness, sickness, disease
θmor nm. date palm tree (Phoenix dactylifera)
θnur nm. earth oven
θo nm. mark, sign, indication; warning
θqqăb † interj. fuck off!†, go fuck yourself!†
θuleaθ nf. ascarid worm, parasite

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