Mîrkšam lexicon
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Internarrat / Mîrkšamic / Mîrkšam / Mîrkšam lexicon

kzâpâkên padv. Nowhere and at no time.
kzapańam padv. For no explanatory reason; from no cause.
kzapapzi pn. Nothing and no-one; nothing.
kzapasfir padv. At no time; never; nowhen.
kzapasfôm padv. In no manner; noway; nowise.
kzapaśôh padv. Nowhere; noplace.
kzegkheś n. A young non-sophont; calf; foal.
kzenet n. A young sophont; child.
kzes det. Only; alone; nothing but.
kzîćêr pv. Do nothing, do not act.
kzu intj. (//informal//) Used to answer questions negatively.
kzu- va. Marks the negative mood, used to indicate that an event, action, or state of being is not taking place.
prep. In the manner of; like; similarly or analogously to.
mah vi. To be empty or vacant.
majern vi. To be long.
mak n. A finger or toe.
maš n. A flower.
mej vi. To be thin.
mêjk vt. To win in a game of chance, perceived not as an amusement but as a ritual or divinatory activity.
mêm part. Precedes cardinal numbers to convert them into fractions that are the reciprocals of the given cardinals.
mi na. Marks the genitive case, used to convert a noun into a modifier of another noun (which is gramatically treated as a determinative); specifically used to mark possession, association, composition, or participation.
mik vi. To signify; to betoken; to mean.
mim vi. To be still, calm, or peaceful.
mîrkšam prop. The Mîrkšam language.
mit na. Originally used to form a nominalized genitive from a noun, equivalent to ‹pzi› + [noun]-‹mi›.
mja- va. Marks the inchoative aspect, used to indicate events, actions, or states of being that are beginning or about to begin.
mju n. (//not in-world//) Cat.
mjut n. Mother.
mo- va. Marks agreement with a subject in the obviate person, indicating a non-salient entity that is not present.
môt part. Precedes cardinal numbers to convert them into multiplicative adverbial numbers, usually representing //how many times// or //to what degree// the modified verb is done or enacted (e.g.
mren n. An elongate piece of hard tissue from a stationary photosynthetic organism; stick, branch, log.
mrês n. An entity that internally decreases entropy which is stationary, undergoes photosynthesis, has a hard surface, generally grows upward, and forms branches high enough to permit passage under them; tree.
mu- va. Marks agreement with a subject in the proximate person, indicating a salient entity that is not present.
muf n. A limb extremity; when used alone, it usually indicates a hand.
muhruj adv. Moreover; furthermore.
mum n. Water; when singulative, a waterdrop.
mur vi. To be dark.
mus dg. Most.
mûzjas det. Indicates that the referent noun is not the one that has previously been indicated; other.
mwi n. A body of water bounded by land; lake or pond.
ńa padv. The interrogative pro-adverb asking for the substitution of an explanatory non-motivating reason for which the verb occurs; from what cause; because of what; why; wherefore.
ńâf vi. To be fat or obese.
nahwe vt. To be acquainted or familiar with; to know about.
ńaj part. Marks apposition of the preceding and following noun phrases.
ńam n. Explanatory non-motivating reason; cause.
ńâpot prep. At the same time as; during; while.
nat prep. Used to modify nouns derived from verbs, taking as an object the dative object of the original verb.
ńê vi. To scornfully or contemptuously grimace; sneer.
ne vt. To possess; to own; to have.
negkes n. A set of teeth; dentition.
nêgkhât n. A set or pair of ears.
negkhet n. The set of one's descendants.
nêgkhîh n. A group or herd of unintelligent organisms.
negkhjasta n. A constellation or asterism.
nêgksîś n. A pack of canids (wolves, foxen, etc.).
negkzegkheś n. A group of calves, kids, or foals.
negkzenet n. A group of children.
neh prep. Introduces a comparative prepositional phrase by modifying a degree word; than, as.
nem- na. Used to indicate a group or collection of the noun.
nemak n. A set of fingers on a hand or toes on a foot.
nemaš n. A cluster of flowers.
nempfefahra n. A bout or burst of laughter.
nempfeij n. A series or body of dreams.
nêmpfêîrkhêh n. A massacre or slaughter.
nempfeizet n. A body of writings; a text corpus.
nempfićam n. A group of thinkers; an academy.
nempfihrima n. A group of youths; ephoebias.
nêmpfîkhêh n. A pile of corpses; a funeral pile.
nempfišaj n. A group of singers; chorus.
nempfišemek n. A hunting group.
nempfitak n. A brigade or gang of builders or constuctors.
nêmpfîtâphok n. A military formation; division, brigade, battalion, regiment, company, etc.
nempfitrat n. A brigade or gang of workers.
nempif n. A tuft or lock of hair.
nemren n. A woodpile.
nêmrês n. A grove of trees.
ńên adv. For a time that is not the first; again.
neńćfer n. The body of devotional thoughts, worship, prayer, faith, etc.
nêńćšâs n. A group of rooms.
neńćšrać n. An answer key.
nenjef n. A group of women.
nêntśâtâ n. A body of data.
nentśejtra n. A group of lands; a continent, subcontinent, or large region.
nentseńaš n. A wordlist in general.
nentszih n. //(rare)// A knot of snakes.
nentzwif n. A school of fish.
ńerk vi. To be short (in length).
ńi prep. Physically within.
ńim pn. The intensive pronoun, used for all persons and treated grammatically as an apposition; [referent]-self.
nis adv. Still; yet.
njef n. A female human; woman.
nju vt. To lose hope regarding; to despair of.
nogkmor n. A full set of boundary or limit markers.
nogkop n. A pile of rocks.
nogktos n. A skeleton (specifically endoskeleton).
nogok n. A clutch of eggs.
nogor n. A group of wers.
nogoz n. A cluster of houses; a hamlet or thorp.
ńoh vt. To be succeeded by or precede an object or idea of the same nature, or when transitive, to be succeeded by.
ńoj padv. The obviate pro-adverb for an explanatory reason; from that cause; because of that; therefore.

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