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Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-06-11 09:56:40) :
[b]Dè nèm-ta ná drò srí-k-u-ke.[/b]
[dè nèmtà ná dʐò ʂíʔk̚úké]
[g DIST]Dè[/g] [g think]nèm[/g][g =OBJN]-ta[/g] [g good]ná[/g] [g likely]drò[/g] [g be]srí[/g][g -PST]-k[/g][g -3S>3']-u[/g][g =DED]-ke.[/g]

That was probably a good idea.
owned by Travis B., last edited 2014-06-11 09:56:40.
Translat-o-matic (2014-06-09 11:22:43) :
[b]Ngàr-t sìng-re gàr thé-te bìr-s-mi-lo ngák-re tòk-kúm-ki ta-súp-re sàr tsúk-ha-mi.[/b]
[ŋà˞ʔt̚ sìŋɻè ɡà˞ tʰé bì˞smìlò ŋáʔk̚ɻé tòʔk̚kúmkí tásúʔp̚ɻé sà˞ tsúʔk̚hámí]
[g harvest]Ngàr[/g][g =ALL]-t[/g] [g tree]sìng[/g][g =PL]-re[/g] [g old]gàr[/g] [g big]thé[/g][g =DEF]-te[/g] [g mark]bìr[/g][g -PROG]-s[/g][g -3P>3']-mi[/g][g -CTMP]-lo[/g] [g bird]ngák[/g][g =PL]-re[/g] [g spring]tòk-kúm[/g][g =GEN]-ki[/g] [g POSS.3S=]ta-[/g][g nest]súp[/g][g =PL]-re[/g] [g new]sàr[/...
owned by Travis B., last edited 2014-06-11 09:34:18.
Translat-o-matic (2014-06-09 22:41:13) :
[b]Mùrng-te drò-kúm-ki ngà srém-ga ngà mí lhót-ga bìr ràng-nyi jà-k-u.[/b]
[mù˞ŋtè dʐòkúmkí ŋà ʂémɡá ŋà mí ɬóʔt̚ɡá bì˞ ɻàŋɲì dʑàʔk̚ù]
[g cat]Mùrng[/g][g =DEF]-te[/g] [g winter]drò-kúm[/g][g =GEN]-ki[/g] [g 1S.ERG]ngà[/g] [g catch]srém[/g][g -PST]-ga[/g] [g 1S.ERG]ngà[/g] [g finally]mí[/g] [g free]lhót[/g][g -PST]-ga[/g] [g fly]bìr[/g] [g quick]ràng[/g][g =ADV]-nyi[/g] [g eat]jà[/g][g -PST]-k[/g][g -3S>3']-u[/g]

The cat quickly ate the fly of winter I caught a...
owned by Travis B., last edited 2014-06-11 09:33:25.
Speak in Your Premodern Conlang Thread (2014-06-10 21:43:59) :
[b]Khú-pú-te hèm-ga-s.[/b]
[kʰúpùtè hèmɡàs]
[g cuckoo]Khú-pú[/g][g =DEF]-te[/g] [g salty]hèm[/g][g -PST]-ga[/g][g -PROG]-s.[/g]

The cuckoo is being salty.

[b]Thé mù júng-ga-pa. Thé mù ma-màng-ga-ng-ke.[/b]
[tʰé mù dʑúŋɡápá tʰé mù màmàŋɡàŋkè]
[g 3S]Thé[/g] [g work]mù[/g] [g happen]júng[/g][g -PST]-ga[/g][g =AFF]-pa[/g] [g 3S]Thé[/g] [g work]mù[/g] [g NEG-]ma-[/g][g believe]màng[/g][g -PST]-ga[/g][g -1S>3]-ng[/g][g =DED]-ke[/g]

That turned out to work....
owned by Travis B., last edited 2014-06-11 09:32:39.
Súa il Atshasa Léyerúis, il Íora Tshúkotía Fínanía (2014-06-10 20:17:52) :
[b]Dì-ne-k chá lì-lì-tí-ká-a te-phùp-u-ma-wu.[/b]
[dìnèʔk̚ tɕʰá lìlìtíkàà tèpʰùʔp̚ùmàwù]
[g PROX]Dì[/g][g -PL]-ne[/g][g =GEN]-k[/g] [g more]chá[/g] [g Lilitika]lì-lì-tí-ká[/g][g =INST]-a[/g] [g 2-]te-[/g][g translate]phùp[/g][g -2S>3]-u[/g][g -HORT]-ma.[/g][g =PREQ]-wu[/g]

Could you translate more of these into Lilitika?
owned by Travis B., last edited 2014-06-10 20:55:55.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-06-10 00:10:52) :
[b]Thé-ne thák ma-ná-sa thé-ne jà chú.[/b]
[tʰéné tʰáʔk̚ mánásá tʰéné dʑà tɕʰú]
[g 3]Thé[/g][g -PL]-ne[/g] [g very]thák[/g] [g NEG-]ma-[/g][g good]ná[/g][g =COND]-sa[/g] [g 3]thé[/g][g -PL]-ne[/g] [g eat]jà[/g] [g cease]chú.[/g]

Stop eating them if they are so bad.
owned by Travis B., last edited 2014-06-10 00:10:52.
Speak in Your Premodern Conlang Thread (2014-06-09 23:55:04) :
[b]Thó-té tàm-lè thé ma-srìng-ná-nyi ma-jàng-u.[/b]
[tʰótè tàmlè tʰé màʂìŋnáɲí màdʑàŋù]
[g Thote]Thó-té[/g] [g word]tàm[/g][g -book]-lè[/g] [g big]thé[/g] [g NEG-]ma-[/g][g life]srìng[/g][g -good]-ná[/g][g =ADV]-nyi[/g] [g NEG-]ma-[/g][g have]jàng[/g][g -3S>3']-u.[/g]

Unfortunately Thote does not have a large dictionary.
owned by Travis B., last edited 2014-06-09 23:55:16.
Speak in Your Premodern Conlang Thread (2014-06-09 22:09:23) :
[quote Nortaneous][b]shlyare cha[/b]
the whole thing does[/quote]

[b]"Ampbolinkgemo" ná màrng-ga-ts-na "tè" ma-syát-ga-ng.[/b]
[ámbòlìŋɡèmò ná mà˞ŋɡàʔtsnà tè máɕáʔt̚ɡáŋ]
[g "ampbolinkgemo"]"Ampbolinkgemo"[/g] [g good]ná[/g] [g appear]màrng[/g][g -PST]-ga[/g][g -CONT]-ts[/g][g =IMPL]-na[/g] [g "whole"]"tè"[/g] [g NEG-]ma-[/g][g say]syát[/g][g -PST]-ga[/g][g -1S]-ng[/g]

I did not say "whole" since "ampbolinkgemo" still looked good....
owned by Travis B., last edited 2014-06-09 22:09:23.
Translat-o-matic (2014-06-09 21:19:47) :
Yet another haiku:

[quote Issa Kobayashi]The winter fly
I caught and finally freed
the cat quickly ate[/quote]
owned by Travis B., last edited 2014-06-09 21:19:47.
Speak in Your Premodern Conlang Thread (2014-06-09 20:15:14) :
[quote atreides][b]eeahxbbahxbampbolinkgemo aazzakgwhuhdcuhdcu[/b]
[ ɛːʘ̬ːa̰ʘ̬a̰mpʼolinkʼemo aːʃːakʼʷṵdʒṵdʒṵ ]
[i]fuck school and burn shit[/i][/quote]

[b]Dè-k phú-re bìr-lèp-ki nyúr-t tá-w-ke.[/b]
[dèʔk̚ pʰúɻé bì˞lèʔp̚kì ɲú˞ʔt̚ táwké]
[g DIST]dè[/g][g =GEN]-k[/g] [g part]phú[/g][g =PL]-re[/g] [g write]bìr[/g][g -board]-lèp[/g][g =GEN]-ki[/g] [g mash]nyúr[/g][g =OBJN]-t[/g] [g like]tá[/g][g -3S>3']-w[/g][g =DED]-ke[/g]

Parts of that look like keyb...
owned by Travis B., last edited 2014-06-09 20:15:14.
Translat-o-matic (2014-06-09 01:50:34) :
Another haiku:

[quote Issa Kobayashi]As the great old trees
are marked for felling, the birds
build their new spring nests[/quote]
owned by Travis B., last edited 2014-06-09 01:50:34.
218 Example sentences for translation (warning: huge) (2014-05-26 06:12:36) :
1. The sun shines.
[b]Ní-te hón-ba.[/b]
[níté hónbá]
[g sun]Ní[/g][g =DEF]-te[/g] [g shine]hón[/g][g -HAB]-ba.[/g]

2. The sun is shining.
[b]Ní-te hón-ha.[/b]
[níté hónhá]
[g sun]Ní[/g][g =DEF]-te[/g] [g shine]hón[/g][g -PRG]-ha.[/g]

3. The sun shone.
[b]Ní-te hón-ga.[/b]
[níté hónɡá]
[g sun]Ní[/g][g =DEF]-te[/g] [g shine]hón[/g][g -PST]-ga.[/g]

4. The sun will shine.
[b]Ní-te hón-a.[/b]
[níté hóná]
[g sun...
owned by Travis B., last edited 2014-06-09 01:16:55.
Translat-o-matic (2014-05-16 23:00:50) :
[b]Jòng-tsò-te-n á-ne chó-y-ma.[/b]
[dʑòŋtsòtèn áné tɕʰójmá]
[g prejudice]Jòng[/g][g -lake]-tsò[/g][g =DEF]-te[/g][g =LOC]-n[/g] [g 1I]á[/g][g -PL]-ne[/g] [g swim]chó[/g][g -1PI]-y[/g][g -HORT]-ma.[/g]

"Let's swim in the prejudice-lake."
owned by Travis B., last edited 2014-06-09 00:44:58.
Translat-o-matic (2014-05-17 18:59:13) :
[b]Lhà-te nyì-ka chú-nyúng thé-re-t ngù rù-k.[/b]
[ɬàtè ɲìkà tɕʰúɲùŋ tʰéɻéʔt̚ ŋù ɻùʔk̚]
[g god]Lhà[/g][g =DEF]-te[/g] [g world]nyì[/g][g =COM]-ka[/g] [g yam]chú[/g][g -finger]-nyúng[/g] [g big]thé[/g][g =PL]-re[/g][g =ALL]-t[/g] [g initially]ngù[/g] [g ask]rù[/g][g -PST]-k[/g]
The god asked for a world and large yam fingers initially.
owned by Travis B., last edited 2014-06-09 00:43:53.
Translat-o-matic (2014-05-18 18:39:59) :
[b]Lhà, ngà na-dràr-re mít-nga-lo khá-t na-bàng ngé.[/b]
[ɬà ŋà nàdʐà˞ɻè míʔt̚ŋáló kʰáʔt̚ nàbàŋ ŋé]
[g god]Lhà,[/g] [g 1S.ERG]ngà[/g] [g POSS.2S=]na-[/g][g enemy]dràr[/g][g =PL]-re[/g] [g destroy]mít[/g][g -1S>3]-nga[/g][g -CTMP]-lo[/g] [g 1S]khá[/g][g =ALL]-t[/g] [g POSS.2S=]na-[/g][g strength]bàng[/g] [g lend/borrow]ngé.[/g]

“God, lend me your strength as I destroy your enemies."
owned by Travis B., last edited 2014-06-09 00:38:26.
Translat-o-matic (2014-05-21 17:22:11) :
[b]A-phó-k drá má Àng-lìs srí-w, thé khèn syí-ng, thé-a bàrk syí-ng.[/b]
[ápʰóʔk̚ dʐá má àŋlìs ʂíw tʰé kʰèn ɕíŋ tʰéá bà˞ʔk̚ ɕíŋ]
[g father]A-phó[/g][g -GEN]-k[/g] [g language]drá[/g] [g first]má[/g] [g English]Àng-lìs[/g] [g be]srí[/g][g -3>3']-w,[/g] [g 3S]thé[/g] [g understand]khèn[/g] [g can]syí[/g][g -1S>3]-ng,[/g] [g 3S]thé[/g][g -INST]-a[/g] [g speak]bàrk[/g] [g can]syí[/g][g -1S]-ng.[/g]

"My father's native language is English, I can understand and spe...
owned by Travis B., last edited 2014-06-09 00:36:08.
Translat-o-matic (2014-05-21 20:28:03) :
[b]Nyùng-syá, ngák-re-te dì-t ma-mù-k-ce-w.[/b]
[ɲùŋɕá ŋáʔk̚ɻété dìʔt̚ màmùʔk̚tɕèw]
[g sorry]Nyùng-syá,[/g] [g banana]ngák[/g][g =PL]-re[/g][g =DEF]-te[/g] [g this]dì[/g][g =ALL]-t[/g] [g NEG]ma-[/g][g move]mù[/g][g -PST]-k[/g][g -CONT]-ce[/g][g -3S>3']-w.[/g]

"I'm sorry, the bananas haven't been shipped in yet."
owned by Travis B., last edited 2014-06-09 00:33:26.
Translat-o-matic (2014-05-21 22:19:05) :
[b]Sìng-te-a ngò wu-trhím-ga-ng-na ngà thé hùr-k-nga.[/b]
[sìŋtèà ŋò wútʂʰímɡáŋná ŋà tʰé hù˞ʔk̚ŋà]
[g tree]Sìng[/g][g =DEF]-te[/g][g =ERG]-a[/g] [g 1S]ngò[/g] [g INV-]wu-[/g][g threaten]trhím[/g][g -PST]-ga[/g][g -3>1S]-ng[/g][g -IMPL]-na[/g] [g 1S.ERG]ngà[/g] [g 3S]thé[/g] [g light]hùr[/g][g -PST]-k[/g][g -1S>3]-nga.[/g]

Because the tree threatened me, I lit it.
owned by Travis B., last edited 2014-06-09 00:31:01.
Translat-o-matic (2014-05-23 00:13:56) :
[b]Làm a-làm ma-drá-t na-ngò-mà só-za-wu.[/b]
[làm àlàm mádʐáʔt̚ nàŋòmà sózáwú]
[g way]Làm[/g] [g POSS.1S-]a-[/g][g way]làm[/g] [g NEG-]ma-[/g][g similar]drá[/g][g =ALL]-t[/g] [g POSS.2S-]na-[/g][g head of cattle]ngò[/g][g -FEM]-mà[/g] [g go]só[/g][g -CAUS]-za[/g][g =PREQ]-wu.[/g]

Please move your cow to a different way from mine.
owned by Travis B., last edited 2014-06-09 00:29:15.
Translat-o-matic (2014-05-23 16:17:28) :
[b]Nyùk dì-t phé te-chók-ga-w-teng nyùk-re-te an-ngák khùr-re jà-k-mi-si.[/b]
[ɲùʔk̚ dìʔt̚ pʰé tétɕʰóʔk̚ɡáwtéŋ ɲùʔk̚ɻètè ańŋáʔk̚ kʰù˞ɻè dʑàʔk̚mìsì]
[g monkey]Nyùk[/g] [g PROX]dì[/g][g =ALL]-t[/g] [g come]phé[/g] [g 2-]te-[/g][g allow]chók[/g][g -PST]-ga[/g][g -2S>3]-w[/g][g -SEQ]-teng[/g] [g monkey]nyùk[/g][g =PL]-re[/g][g =DEF]-te[/g] [g POSS.3PI=]an-[/g][g banana]ngák[/g] [g all]khùr[/g][g =PL]-re[/g] [g eat]jà[/g][g -PST]-k[/g][g -3P>3']-mi[/g][g =MIR]-si.[/g]...
owned by Travis B., last edited 2014-06-09 00:27:33.

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